Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bikes in the Fast Lane: Ad: Jeep (Or How Not To Advertise) plus 2 more

Bikes in the Fast Lane: Ad: Jeep (Or How Not To Advertise) plus 2 more

Link to Bikes in the Fast Lane - Daily Motorcycle News

Ad: Jeep (Or How Not To Advertise)

Posted: 26 Mar 2013 09:00 AM PDT

Ad Jeep
USA flag
This is a really strange print advertisement from Jeep. You don't see their car, just a trailer with a dirty motorcycle. Okay, I understand the image used, but at first glance, if you didn't see the word "JEEP" you wouldn't know what the ad is for. So you pull your motorcycle on a trailer in through the mud.... wouldn't it be better to just use the motorcycle? You probably will get there faster.


Use Your iPhone 5 As A GoPro On Your Motorcycle

Posted: 26 Mar 2013 05:00 AM PDT

VicamPlus Pulley
#Kickstarter #VicamPlus - Many people, myself included, look longingly to those new GoPro video cameras. They are the bizz, but... expensive especially when you wouldn't use them as much as you should. But I do have a great iPhone 5 which can make very decent videos, so why not use that on my motorcycle?

Well, the answer is simple. The Iphone isn't rainproof, nor does it have any capabilities to properly be mounted onto the bike. Also the lens, although not bad at all, is fixed... it can't be changed.

A Kickstarter crowd-funding project that was recently totally funded (plus more money than what they asked for) should be going live shortly. The project is called VicamPlus and is designed by Lou Go and Brent Duke in China.

The VicamPlus is a water proof cover for your iPhone 5, which not only incorporates 3 different lenses but also is made to be used with all of GoPro's mounting hardware...........

...........Click on the headline to continue reading this story.......


Why European Politicians Should Be Lobotomized

Posted: 25 Mar 2013 11:00 PM PDT

Europe flag
You know you're in trouble when politicians start talking. Grandstanding is their way of trying to get more votes, more power and therefore more money, and nowhere is this more visible when politicians touch the motorcycle world. The motorcyclists are a small group of voters, so we do not represent a threat, so we're easy pickings for politicians who want to make a name for themselves, at our expense.

In Europe, there's currently a heated debate on making motorcycles go through a mandatory annual technical inspection. Experts are quite clear, as is the motorcycle world, that it's a waste of money. Most countries have agreed.

But still you'll find politicians who "believe" they are right and the rest of the world is wrong. Here is a video of Brian Simpson, a British member of the European parliament. Apart from being a MP, unfortunately he is also the Chair of the European Transport Committee, in other words, he has more power over the motorcycle world than most politicians.

In this video, he's calling motorcycles "DEATH CARRIERS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you imagine, this "elected" official, who has to look after the interest of amongst other bikers, thinks we ride on death carriers. This man suffers from terminal CRI. There is no hope in this world when men like him have the power. An obese man, who obviously is not healthy (mind & body), thinks he can judge bikers? What did we do to deserve this man?

Have a look at the video. You can understand my anger....


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