Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bikes in the Fast Lane: Ads: Yamaha Motorcycle Helmets - Oxi-Sanitation plus 2 more

Bikes in the Fast Lane: Ads: Yamaha Motorcycle Helmets - Oxi-Sanitation plus 2 more

Link to Bikes in the Fast Lane - Daily Motorcycle News

Ads: Yamaha Motorcycle Helmets - Oxi-Sanitation

Posted: 29 Nov 2011 03:02 AM PST

Yamaha Oxi Sanitation Helmet
Yamaha logo
Yamaha not only make motorcycles, but they also sell helmets. And as we know, circulating air in our helmets is important, since it minimizes fog, and brings in fresh, cool, air.

But helmets are also bacteria traps, especially when you're sick. Yamaha Brazil are advertising their helmets with Oxi-Sanitation, meaning the helmets are aired properly and should be bacteria free.

Here are three of their ads, by the FAM Agency from Brazil.


WTF of the Week: Moped Apehanger

Posted: 29 Nov 2011 04:00 AM PST

Moped Apehanger
I can't imagine anyone making this on purpose. I rather assume it's a college prank gone too far. Why would anyone transform a motorcycle, let alone a moped, into this....

Just look at it.... see the wicker basket???


Vietnam: Using Fishnets To Stop Motorcycles

Posted: 28 Nov 2011 10:00 PM PST

Fishnets stop speeding motorcycles
Interesting, but very dangerous, way of stopping speeding motorcycle in Vietnam....

...Throw a fishnet over the rear tire!!!

I prefer the solution in the photo..


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