Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bikes in the Fast Lane: App: First Aid By The Red Cross plus 2 more

Bikes in the Fast Lane: App: First Aid By The Red Cross plus 2 more

Link to Bikes in the Fast Lane - Daily Motorcycle News

App: First Aid By The Red Cross

Posted: 18 Sep 2012 09:00 AM PDT

British red Cross First Aid App
British red Cross First Aid App
Medical problems happen quicker than what you'd expect. Before you know it something can go wrong with anyone, and I don't mean just accidents. Many of us travel miles on our motorcycles, often with several riding buddies. Anything can go wrong, anything..

But what do you need to do when something goes wrong with one of us? One obvious problem is a crash, but apart from crashes, what do you need to do when one of your group or family has an asthma attack? Or a seizure ? Or has a diabetic emergency? Or gets burned ...broken bone... the list is very long.

If someone in your group is a doctor, you're in luck, but if no one has any medical knowledge, this FREE app can save someone's life, maybe yours. The application was made for the British Red Cross, and runs on iPhone, Android and Blackberry........

..........Click on the headline to continue reading this story.......


Ads: 5 Interesting Safety Gear PSA From Colorado

Posted: 18 Sep 2012 05:00 AM PDT

CDOT Billboard Safety
USA flag
I must say, that the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has some interesting safety PSA for motorcycle riders.

In the following five advertisements in the form of billboards, they are blaming car drivers for making us wear safety gear... a novel approach. Of course, it's not always the fault of the cage driver, but still, the approach is interesting and could make some bikers think.


This Is Why You Should Not Trailer A Motorcycle

Posted: 17 Sep 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Problem Traillering a Motorcycle
The only time I put my motorcycle on a trailer is when it's broken and needs to go to the dealer. And the reason, apart from that I prefer to ride rather than drive, is this:

I'm always afraid this will happen.....


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