Monday, September 3, 2012

Bikes in the Fast Lane: Italy: Speed Camera Kidnapped and Ransomed - Hilarious plus 2 more

Bikes in the Fast Lane: Italy: Speed Camera Kidnapped and Ransomed - Hilarious plus 2 more

Link to Bikes in the Fast Lane - Daily Motorcycle News

Italy: Speed Camera Kidnapped and Ransomed - Hilarious

Posted: 03 Sep 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Speed Camera Ransom Note
Italy flag
This is so weird & wonderful it got to be true. Last week in Italy, a group calling itself Comitato No Velox (which is Italian for No Speed Camera Committee) has decided that enough is enough, and went out and kidnapped a speed camera.

They penetrated a police storage facility and took the speed camera, valued at US$25,000, but to make matters worse (or better, depending on your point of view), sent a ransom note to the police. The ransom note, in true kidnapper style, was made out of letters cut from newspapers. The note said "RETURN THE MONEY".......

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Time For Another Motorcycle Riding Superhero - Moto Doom

Posted: 03 Sep 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Moto Doom Cartoon
USA flag
We don't really get that many motorcycle riding superheros do we? Yes, granted, there are a couple of good guys who occasionally ride a motorcycle (Captain America springs to mind, or even Batman). But no full fledged biker out to fight crime, and end up in a bar fight or two.

That might change, it'll depend on you. Moto Doom is a Kickstarter project, in other words, a crowd-funding project, where Russell Walters is looking for a reasonably small amount of money that will allow him to finish his first cartoon: Moto Doom Vol.1: Satan Rides a Seven Fifty Fastback.......

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The Netherlands: 1%er May No Longer Be Allowed To Escort Funerals

Posted: 02 Sep 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Biker gang Funeral Escort
The Netherlands flag
Talk about double standards. Some parts of the Dutch political parties, in this case the socialist PVDA, want to make illegal the escorting of funerals of 1%er by 1%ers. In other words, when one of their own 1%er gang dies, the other members would not be allowed to escort the deceased to their funeral (if the law is passed, which isn't the case ... yet).

The reason cited by the politicians is that the funeral procession has got nothing to do with honoring a fallen comrade but more "flying the flag", or "showing the colors".


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