Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bikes in the Fast Lane: Sidi Magnetic Motorcycle Boots - Mag-1 plus 2 more

Bikes in the Fast Lane: Sidi Magnetic Motorcycle Boots - Mag-1 plus 2 more

Link to Bikes in the Fast Lane - Daily Motorcycle News

Sidi Magnetic Motorcycle Boots - Mag-1

Posted: 24 Jul 2014 09:00 AM PDT

Sidi Mag 1
Sidi logo
#Sidi #Boots #Magnetic - Sidi's new magnetic closing motorcycle boots are cool. You can set the closing width to the exact width you require, and it is set for the whole feet.


Switzerland: Number of Radars To Be REDUCED!

Posted: 24 Jul 2014 03:33 AM PDT

Radar Swiss
Switzerland flag
#Switzerland #Radars #Speeding - Good news for our Swiss motorcycling bikers - the Swiss authorities have deemed that since there are less and less speeding tickets issued by speed radars, they are gong to remove several of them since the cost money. Less radars = GOOD, more radars = BAD.


Sudan: Beer Delivery Motorcycle - Question?

Posted: 23 Jul 2014 11:00 PM PDT

Sudan Beer Delivery Motorcycle
Sudan flag
#Sudan #Beer - Here is a question for you... would you rather ride motorcycle and deliver beer in a Muslim country like Sudan, or live where you are now, but not be involved in motorcycles and beer? What do you choose?


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